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Why is it dangerous to share shaving razors?

Why is it dangerous to share shaving razors? Borrowing shaving razors from someone else might sound convenient. Just for the sake of convenience, you may be bringing serious health problems. Sometimes it can prove fatal. So, Don’t dare to  share shaving razor as you may invite unwanted deadly Health issues ranging from Skin Infection to life threatening Viral diseases like HIV and Hepatitis and other Viral Diseases. How sharing razors can give you life threatening diseases?  Razors are made to give you smooth and close shave. It is observed that Razor cuts more than just hair. It may cause micro cuts or scratches on the skin.  If the blade is old and dull, chances are that you may get more scratches on skin. With micro cuts and scratches, You may not feel the pain or blood coming out. But these cuts may resulting in fluid contacts with Razor Blade causing contamination.   Also dead skin cells might adhere to the blade surface which may be passed to another person through sharing. Thi

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